Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bag Packed! (1)

Don't get too exited with all of this updating. It might not be funny or highly entertaining but I figure it will allow me to remember each and every day. How cool! I needed a little Spark to get going so I started off my week with a Monday morning Spin class. It was a good class until I knocked my hand on the bike and about 5 minutes later looked down to see blood everywhere. It took forever for it to stop bleeding. Thank goodness it was almost the end of the class.


Marsha said...

I see your undies in your bag. Great. Now the whole world wide web can too!

just kiddin' lou!

Hope you spun some for me!

Haley Family said...

I think I see a tampon in your bag and some grannie panties. He he he. So far, you are doing a great job updating! Keep up the good work. That is funny about your hand. I am sure it was not funny to you, but it was to me. How about posting some pics of you.