Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

Today was spent soaking up my last weekday of vacation before going back to work. The day included a pedicure and a little reading. I bought the book "The Happiness Project" at the airport on my way to Las Vegas. It has been a good read and has me looking at how to bring more happiness into my life.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013

This about sums up my day. It is Thursday before I go back to work from the Christmas Holidays. McGuire and I lounged around all day. I think he has really enjoyed me being home with him.

January 2, 2013

Ryan, Dana and Piper came down for lunch. We had a delicious meal at Escalantes and then walked around the shopping center. Piper enjoyed carrying my wallet around and shopping at Carter's. We picked up a few new outfits for my nephew, Braddock, who is scheduled to arrive in April. Piper is at such a fun age. Before they left we stopped and had a cupcake. Yum!

January 1, 2013

I am going to try and do a year in pictures again. It is a great time to do it since it is the beginning of the new year. I hope I can keep up with it. I am hoping to create a book at the end of the year. First pic is of my decision to do Bikram Yoga. My friend Kelly took me to a class over Thanksgiving. My first experience was so so. It is really hard and HOT! I got a groupon so decided to do try it again. I have done it twice this week. I have adjusted to the heat but still need some work on the poses.